Approved projects in the "Urban security" field
With urbanisation on the increase, more and more people now live and work in towns and cities. The challenge for councils and local authorities is to ensure continued protection for citizens now and in the future. Core issues include neighbourhood security and local public transport security, protection against crime and protection against extreme weather conditions. The BMBF has therefore issued a call for proposals on the topic of urban security, as part of the “Research for civil security” programme, with the aim of increasing security in urban areas.

Completed joint projects:
ENSURE: Enablement of urban citizen support for crisis response

Funding codes 13N12811 to 13N12817
When a disaster occurs, it is vital to use helpers’ expertise as efficiently as possible. This was the idea behind the ENSURE research project, which explored how volunteers with relevant expertise can be mobilised in the event of a disaster. These people include, for example, trained first aiders or caretakers who are familiar with building systems. In future, they will be able to register as volunteer helpers using a mobile phone app. The results of the project are intended to enable professional emergency services to alert competent helpers as quickly as possible in the event of a disaster so that they can provide active support..
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InREAKT: Integrated help response chains to increase security on local public transport

Funding codes 13N12962 to 13N12967
Buses and trains are enjoying increasing popularity but many passengers feel a sense of unease when travelling at night. The InREAKT project investigated how safe people are from attacks on buses and trains and how criminal acts can be prevented. To provide better protection for passengers, the project’s researchers developed an automated alarm system. The aim was that the system would recognise hazardous situations, using videos and noise sensors, and help identify emergencies and get assistance to passengers quickly.
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Interkom: Inter-municipality strategies for enhancing resilience in conurbations

Funding codes 13N13002 to 13N13008
With a population close to 11 million, the Rhine-Ruhr area is one of eleven metropolitan regions in Germany. In areas of this nature, scenarios such as pandemics or prolonged power outages can quickly lead to a sense of insecurity. The partners on the Interkom joint project are researching how the security situation of people living in conurbations can be strengthened and how it can be kept stable in crisis situations. They are drawing up a strategy for inter-municipality risk management cooperation and citizen-centred crisis management. The aim is to boost security and the sense of security in the population.
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Multikosi: Support systems for urban events: multicriterial integration for openness and safetyt

Funding codes 13N12821 to 13N12826
The tragic events of the Love Parade in Duisburg in 2010 highlighted the need for comprehensive security strategies for large events. The Multikosi project devised new models for visitor flows during arrival and departure, admission and during the actual event. The models were joined together to create a tool to support planning and optimisation with regard to all aspects of events.
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SENSIKO: Neighbourhood security for elderly people

Funding codes 13N12980 and 13N12981
As a result of demographic change, the proportion of elderly people in Germany’s population is constantly increasing. Studies show that it is the elderly inhabitants of cities who are most afraid of crime. This can lead them to avoid public areas and stop taking part in city life. The SENSIKO project formulated approaches to promote active participation in social life by elderly people and make them feel safer so that they do not withdraw from society.
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SiKomFan: More security in football – Improvement of communication structures and optimisation of fan communication

Funding codes 13N12931 to 13N12936
Football is an emotional sport with lots of fans at the local and national level. Their enthusiasm is not always expressed in peaceful terms. If they go on the rampage on their way to the stadium or ignore the ban on Bengal lights, the response needs to be swift. Safety in the stadium is the responsibility of security staff, emergency services and, importantly, the fans and clubs themselves – not just the police. To support a concerted effort between all parties, this research project examined how those in charge communicate with one another. The intention was to help defuse critical situations early on.
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SKOBB: Security cooperation for bus and rail transport

Funding codes 13N12862 to 13N12864
Passenger safety is an essential factor in making local public transport appealing. The SKOBB project drew up a nationwide status report on local public transport security, in collaboration with several regional transport networks. The intention was that the findings would provide useful input when selecting and implementing prevention activities. They are also to be made available in a format that can be used for employee training..
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TARGET: Analyses of acts and cases of highly expressive, targeted violence

Funding codes 13N12646 to 13N12650
Serious acts of violence by single individuals are a recurrent phenomenon in public life. The TARGET project conducted a national and international comparison and analysis of development processes that have led to highly expressive acts of violence in the past. The objective was to develop a model that would enable serious threats and violence-related behaviour by potentially violent individuals to be identified early.
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TRANSIT: Crime prevention for a safe neighbourhood – Transdisciplinary security strategies for the police, housing providers and local authorities

Funding codes 13N12787 and 13N12788
Night workers want to be able to get home fast at the end of their shift. Sometimes, their journey home takes them through unpleasant areas. People often avoid dark corners, unlit car parks and pedestrian subways for fear of falling victim to crime. Indeed, crime is a factor in some of these places but often certain areas and roads simply seem less than safe. The TRANSIT research project identified practical measures with which to improve security and people’s sense of safety. To this end, the team examined how local authorities, police and housing providers can work together to give residential areas a more pleasant feel – so that people are safe and feel safe at night.
More information (only available in German)
VERSS: Aspects of fair distribution of urban security

Funding codes 13N13201 to 13N13203
A city is only an attractive place to live if people feel safe there. However, the public sense of safety is not the same everywhere in a city because security is distributed unevenly, especially in conurbations. The VERSS project analysed aspects of fair distribution of urban security. The research partners drew up precise, practical guidelines intended to make it easier to recognise unfair distribution of security and to reduce it as far as possible.
More information (only available in German)