Approved projects in the field of "Security economics and security architecture"
Security solutions can only be effective if they fit in with day-to-day routines and if they work for society. The “Social dimensions of civil security research” call for proposals in the Federal Government’s security research programme is designed to consider issues related to society. The BMBF is expecting to see projects concerning developments in security culture and institutional security architecture. Challenges posed by technologisation are also relevant. Interdisciplinary questions regarding the requirements that innovative security solutions place on society, how they are embedded in society and what they mean for society are of interest under this call for proposals.

Completed joint projects:
EIKE: Decision-making in complex deployment situations

Funding codes 13N12106 and 13N12107
In crisis situations, emergency services are often confronted with unclear situations, particularly in maritime scenarios but also in air, rail and road transport. These situations require quick, accurate decisions. In an effort to contribute findings that will help optimise emergency services’ decision-making processes, the EIKE joint project analysed findings about decision processes in complex crisis situations. The hope was to be able to draw conclusions as to which decision strategies lead to the best results in terms of coping with major incidents, and under which conditions. The results were then presented in a format that allows decision-makers on the ground to use them to manage complex deployment situations.
More information (only available in German)
INKA: Professional integration of volunteer helpers into crisis and disaster management activities

Funding codes 13N12192 to 13N12197
To cope with the aftermath of major incidents or natural disasters, it is essential to have sufficient numbers of emergency service personnel who have been given the best possible preparation. In these situations, volunteers are also brought in to boost capacity and provide expertise. The goal of the INKA joint project was to devise new methods and solutions to enhance and future-proof the way in which volunteer helpers from all sections of the population are integrated into crisis management in organisational, institutional and sociocultural terms.
More information (only available in German) Innovative business models for the security of electricity distribution networks

Funding codes 13N12331 to 13N12337
As a result of market fragmentation, responsibility for the security of supply networks lies with many different operators. Cascade effects, which cause knock-on disruptive effects in supply services, bring economic consequences too. The project set out to frame new, comprehensive business models for operators of electricity distribution networks and repair services, aimed at making supply networks more secure. These models were examined both at the economic level and the level of organisational sociology.
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Kat-Leuchttürme: Providing help through fire stations and district administration offices equipped with emergency power supplies in the event of a crisis Help points for local residents in crisis situations

Funding codes 13N12419 to 13N12425
Power outages and the ensuing disruption to telecommunication and other infrastructures can rapidly give rise to critical situations. In response, the Kat-Leuchttürme joint project was developing and testing an approach that would use special help points where people could be sure of effective assistance in a crisis. To provide the necessary facilities, the intention was to take buildings that have an emergency power supply and equip them with the means to provide essential help on the spot or to organise the necessary assistance.
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PrimAIR: Strategy for emergency air medical services in areas with minimal infrastructure

Funding codes 13N12211 to 13N12215
Germany’s road-based system of ambulances is the mainstay of the country’s emergency medical care services and has proved a successful approach in urban areas. However, in regions where the population is sparse, the next hospital is generally further away than it is in more built-up areas, with the result that the ambulances are often unable to reach the scene of the incident within the specified times. The PrimAIR joint project was investigating whether emergency medical care provision in thinly populated regions could be improved by deploying rescue helicopters. The research was taking into account structural, organisational and economic aspects. The aim was to ensure the specified response times are adhered to and, if possible, to cut costs.
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RESILIEN-TECH: Towards a more resilient society Resilience by design - strategy for future technological issues

Funding codes 13N12276 and 13N12277
Sometimes, power outages can be fixed in the space of a few minutes but sometimes even small faults can cause significant damage if they occur in highly interconnected infrastructure. It is therefore important that such systems can be returned to working order quickly in the event of a fault. In other words, they have to be resilient. The joint research team on the Resilien-Tech project drew up recommendations on how to increase resilience in order to protect critical infrastructure. By doing so, it contributed to the development of a resilient society.
More information (only available in German)
RIKOV: Risk management system for terrorist threats to passenger rail transport

Funding codes 13N12304 to 13N12308
This research explored how comprehensive risk management can be used to better protect critical infrastructures against terrorist attacks, based on the example of passenger rail transport. The objective of the project was to develop a solution that ensures a balance between security and liberty and is acceptable from a societal and ethical point of view. The approach was taken into consideration what can be achieved in terms of technical and organisational aspects and how far they can go, what makes economic sense and what is legally possible.
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SIMENTA: Security mentalities in rural areas

Funding codes 13N12077 and 13N12078
Changes are emerging in the public’s role in efforts to increase civil security, in perceptions of social responsibility and in approaches to dealing with crime. The SIMENTA joint project lokked at practices and methods used in rural regions and small towns to deal with crime and people’s sense of a lack of security. The findings are to be used to draw up strategies and action plans for dealing with challenges to civil security.
More information (only available in German)
TIBRO: Innovative architecture for non-police security provision

Funding codes 13N12174 to 13N12177
In Germany, the fire brigade system is the basis of non-police security provision. The fire brigades plan the personnel and technical resources as well as the organisational and functional processes required to perform these tasks. The nature of their deployments has changed in recent years (insulation materials have influenced the characteristics of a typical home fire, for instance), as has the range of their tasks. However, to date, fire brigades do not have a powerful tool to help them align their planning with the new conditions. The objective of the TIBRO joint project was to draw up a dynamic planning guideline for fire brigades in order to improve non-police security provision in Germany.
More information (only available in German)
WISIND: A system of economic indicators to measure security and security provision in Germany

Funding codes 13N12093 and 13N12094
Warnings regarding risks such as terrorist attacks fuel the debate about civil security. But what does “civil security” actually mean and how can it be measured? The WISIND project developed a security indicator with which to measure the level of civil security in Germany. The indicator comprises the sub-indicators of “threat” and “protection”, which themselves are determined by a number of individual indicators and combined in a multi-phase process to create one security indicator. This approach created a scientifically sound methodology for an overall security indicator, which could have a considerable impact, particularly on future empirical security research.
More information (only available in German)