Approved projects in the field of "New economic aspects"
New approaches to civil security help to increase public safety as well as strengthening the competitiveness and innovative capacity of Germany’s security industry. The “Civil security – New economic aspects” call for proposals is intended to promote the development of new economic frameworks, value creation methods and innovative approaches for business models for a modern security industry. In particular, funding is available for projects that assess these models’ suitability in practice, implement them by way of example and thus improve civil security in our liberal society.

Completed joint projects:
4D-Sicherheit: Participatory 4-dimensional model for systemic risk analysis of security solutions

Funding codes 13N14123 to 13N14126
The aim of the “4D-Sicherheit” project is to identify the best possible security measures for a given situation whilst also ensuring a good balance between the four dimensions of security, efficiency, law and trust. The intention is to create a decision support and planning tool, taking into account the requirements of decisions makers from the police, fire brigades and emergency services, to help end users assess and implement security solutions.
4D-Sicherheit project outline (only available in German)
OSIMA: Organisation and regulation of the civil security market in Germany

Funding codes 13N14103 to 13N14108
Protecting society from terrorism, crime and disasters is a governmental duty, which has to be fulfilled by public authorities. At the same, there has been a trend for many years now for private establishments to perform security and surveillance tasks. The idea behind the OSIMA project was to analyse what forms of “security” as a good exist and how they are organised and financed. The project’s findings were intended to illustrate which forms of safety and security should be provided by government and which can also be provided by private institutions.
OSIMA project outline (only available in German)
PERFORMANCE: Cooperative system platform for video uploads, assessment, partially automated analysis and archiving

Funding codes 13N14028 to 13N14034
The vast amounts of video material that often have to be examined in investigations are a major challenge - in the aftermath of the New Year’s incidents in Cologne in 2015/16, it was more than 700 hours’ worth. The aim of the PERFORMANCE project was to develop a system platform for the uploading, assessment and partially automated analysis of data. The intention was to help authorities solve crimes effectively and quickly so as to prevent further crime.
PERFORMANCE project outline (only available in German)
PRÄDISIKO: Preventive digital security communication – an innovative approach to criminal prevention on social online media

Funding codes 13N14066 to 13N14070
Police prevention activities have tended to focus on traditional media such as flyers or print/TV ads but this approach does not reach all of the target groups to an equal extent. Young people and adolescents, in particular, are more likely to use social networks. The aim of the PRÄDISIKO project is to create a platform that uses new technology and content to enable the police to disseminate interactive posts concerning crime prevention and to engage in dialogue with the public. Scientifically substantiated data is to be collected for the first time, allowing the effectiveness of traditional crime prevention activities and that of the new approach to be compared.
PRÄDISIKO project outline (only available in German)
ProVOD: Professionalisation of event security staff

Funding codes 13N14112 to 13N14114
In 2015 more than 3 million events, attended by just under 400 million guests, took place in Germany. In most cases, private event security services make sure everything goes according to plan. The ProVOD project is intended to develop regulations, organisational concepts and training content tailored to the special challenges facing event security staff. The project’s aims include designing suitable training courses for the people who work in this sector and improving the public’s perception of them.
ProVOD project outline (only available in German)
WiSima: Cost efficiency of security measures in local public transport

Funding codes 13N14052 to 13N14056
Some 10 billion passengers every year use local public transport in Germany. A whole 27% of them travel with Deutsche Bahn. Passengers expect a high level of security on the trains and in stations yet that security has to be provided by economically viable means. The WiSima project is drawing up proposals for ways to improve passengers’ sense of security and to cut costs in the process without reducing the level of security.
WiSima project outline (only available in German)