Approved projects in the “Protection against organised crime” field
As a result of globalisation and the availability of modern communication and information technology, organised crime has become a major issue worldwide. A special feature of this form of crime is that a small number of perpetrators cause a large amount of damage, affecting many people. Since organised crime does not recognise national borders, funding was also provided for bilateral projects with Austria in this field. Projects conducted under this call for proposals were intended to draw up preventive measures, such as analysis of future developments in the threat landscape and risk assessment, plus follow-on measures such as analysis of unreported crime or research on new crime-solving technologies.

Completed joint projects:
ABBO: Analysis and mitigation of organised fraud in e-commerce

Funding codes 13N13634 to 13N13636
The internet has brought added convenience to many areas of our lives. An increasing number of people book their holidays online, for example, and more and more goods are being purchased on the internet. Each of these transactions requires data that is personal and therefore sensitive. The ABBO project is intended to help secure data such as names, addresses, account numbers and passwords on the internet and to prevent it being stolen by hackers. The partners on the joint project are working on a cross-retailer analysis platform aimed at preventing digital identity theft. It is intended to detect typical fraud patterns in orders placed with online retailers and to facilitate more effective protection for customers making online purchases.
More information (only available in German)
Bitcrime: Prosecution and prevention of organised financial crime using virtual currencies

Funding codes 13N13505, 13N13506 and 13N13508
Virtual currencies are traded directly between those who use them, independently of central banks, governments and commercial banks. Since there is no body to supervise their use, these new currencies can also be used in international organised crime. New solutions are required, both to regulate the market and to detect and prosecute criminal financial transactions. The bilateral German-Austrian project Bitcrime explored these issues and produced concrete ideas for regulation as well as possible solutions for preventing and prosecuting crime.
More information (only available in German)
DROK: Organised crime between virtual and real-world drug trafficking

Funding codes 13N13496 to 13N13499
International drug trafficking takes place at the person-to-person level and via the internet but little is known about either market. The bilateral German-Austrian project DROK examined both forms of distribution. The German part of the project focused on organised crime on the traditional black market for drugs. The Austrian part looked at online drug trafficking. The project’s findings were supplied to the authorities responsible for investigation and prosecution. It was also possible to issue recommendations on how consumers can reduce the risks posed by these types of crime.
More information (only available in German)
ILLICID: Procedure for analysis of unreported crime as a basis upon which to combat and prevent crime, using trade in cultural artefacts as an example

Funding codes 13N13645 to 13N13647
Earnings from illegal trade in cultural artefacts provide an important source of income for organised crime. The aim of the ILLICID project was to explore unreported cases of such trade in Germany. The intention behind the pilot study was to collect data concerning traded artefacts, volumes, actors involved, networks, routines and profit-making and money-laundering potential. This data can then be used both to develop measures to prevent and combat crime and to estimate and forecast future trends in this area of unreported crime. Recommendations would also be drawn up for steps that organisations can take to prevent such crimes.
ILLICID project outline (PDF, only available in German)
INSPECT: Organised financial crime – methodical analyses of cash, data and knowledge flows

Funding codes 13N13470 to 13N13475
Recently, there has been a spate of cases of data theft in financial transactions. It is anticipated that the damage caused will have an impact on the national economy. Against this backdrop, this joint research project analysed responses to organised financial crime so as to improve the success rate in solving such crimes and to identify new methods of prevention. The team also examined how insider knowledge is spread. The intention was to provide the investigative authorities with a system for detecting, understanding and solving organised financial crime.
More information (only available in German)
LIDAKRA: Integration of linked data and early detection of organised crime phenomena

Funding codes 13N13625 to 13N13628
Perpetrators of organised crime are increasingly using the internet to plan and carry out crimes. The investigative research work in these cases is a major challenge to those endeavouring to detect such crime as it requires significant levels of human resources and time. The objective of the LIDAKRA project was to create a software system that provides a partially automated means of conducting the necessary investigative research. Links were formed between the resulting data and the data was compared with typical features of organised crime. The project was also examining whether there are distinctive patterns and procedures that point to criminal internet activity. Particular importance was attached to compliance with Germany’s strict data protection requirements.
LIDAKRA project outline (PDF, only available in German)
PRIMSA: Prevention of and intervention in sex trafficking

Funding codes 13N13517 to 13N13521
Sex trafficking is a serious criminal offence and a fundamental violation of its victims’ human rights. Since the victims are subject to extreme intimidation, this type of human trafficking poses a particular challenge for legal systems and aid organisations. The partners on the PRISMA project were developing measures to support investigations, strategies for improving the help offered to victims plus new training courses for investigators, social workers and psychosocial professionals. The team was also working on a mobile device, with which investigators can determine whether a victim is underage.
More information (only available in German)
Securestamp: Application of intelligent, integrated print, encryption and sensor technology to protect printed media against forgery

Funding codes 13N13581 to 13N13584
Forged transport tickets cause losses running into the millions. They are produced using real ticket paper, stolen from ticket machines, which is then printed on using commercially available thermal printers. Current security features are built into the paper. The partners on the Securestamp project were conducting research into a new printing technique, in which the security features are not applied until the ticket is actually produced. Suitable inks and pigments were developed on the project, as is a sensor system for detecting the pattern and allowing mobile checking. The new uniqueness of the patterns will make it easier to trace tickets and to prosecute those involved.
More information (only available in German)