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Approved projects in the field of “Civil security - Development of interdisciplinary expertise to support young researchers”

Civil security is a crucial aspect in ensuring quality of life and value creation in Germany, as well as being one of the action areas in the “New High Tech Strategy - Innovation for Germany”. For the interdisciplinary and very varied field of civil security research, excellently trained and well-networked young researchers are of fundamental importance.  The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has introduced a funding programme entitled “Civil security - Development of interdisciplinary expertise to support young researchers” with the aim of providing an opportunity for young researchers at German universities and research institutions to implement innovative research ideas, working very independently, with the potential to increase security for our society.

Edit RedDot Überschrift Approved projects in the field of “Civil security - Development of interdisciplinary expertise to support young researchers”

The interdisciplinary make-up of the work groups that receive funding enables these young researchers to experience the opportunities and challenges of interdisciplinary work at an early stage of their careers. As well as promoting research excellence, this approach seeks to ensure that the security solutions worked on reflect demand, are accepted by society and have the potential to create a long-lasting effect for Germany as a centre of innovation.

The funding programme provides systematic support for training and continuing professional development. In addition, particular importance is attached to exchange and networking between the groups of young researchers through the “Civil Security” graduate network.

Ongoing projects:

BIGAUGE: Biological threats: Analysis and integrated assessment of biological risks

Funding code  13N14354

Biological threats, such as outbreaks of infectious disease or deliberate release of hazardous substances by bioterrorists, have the capacity to claim many lives. However, they also affect infrastructure that plays a crucial role in handling crisis situations. The BIGAUGE project will set out to develop a decision support system as an aid to authorities when assessing biological threats. It will enable the risks and possible consequences of biological threats to be analysed and evaluated thoroughly. The intention is also to identify suitable options for action to prevent or effectively manage potential biological crisis situations.

More information (only available in German)


DiI: Jihadism on the Web

Funding code 13N14353

Extremist Islamist groups use a variety of formats to distribute jihadist propaganda. Videos designed to thrill and appeal to young people can have quite an effect and play an important part in the radicalisation of potential supporters. The DiI project is carrying out research into the content and design of jihadist propaganda videos on the Web as well as their effect on viewers. Through this analysis, the project will make a significant contribution to education and prevention work. The intention is not only to find out a great deal more about jihadist video messages on the Web but also to provide a solid basis upon which to devise counter-strategies that can also be applied to other forms of extremism.

More information (only available in German)


KontiKat: Civil-society and business continuity through socio-technical networking in disaster situations

Funding code  13N14351

Crises and incidents can have a severe impact on the life of society and on business processes. There does not even have to be a disaster involved: a regional telecommunications failure lasting hours or days can be enough to cause far-reaching consequences. The KontiKat project is focused on maintaining and restoring social life following major incidents and disasters. It aims to achieve this by conducting empirical studies to collect data on social networking on the part of citizens and of small and medium businesses. The results will help support self-organisation, aid and emergency communication in disaster situations.

More information (only available in German)


PANDA: Parallel structures, forms of activity and user behaviour in darknets

Funding codes  13N14355 and 13N14356

Darknets cannot be directly accessed from the internet because specific knowledge and special software are required. As a result, they are becoming increasingly relevant for extremist messages and criminal goods and ideas as well as for communication and interaction. An environment has thus been created on the internet that promises users anonymity and non-traceability, making it an appealing platform for radicalised individuals and criminals. The aim of PANDA is to investigate and understand politically and economically motivated illegal activities that take place on darknets. The intention is to obtain a clearer picture of the darknet by means of scientific investigation of technical and organisational structures and forms of interaction. The team will also set out to explore whether and with what tools preventive action can be taken against activities on the darknet that represent a threat to society.

PANDA project outline (PDF, only available in German)


PluS-i: Pluralisation of local urban security provision

Funding code  13N14352

Societal and structural changes are particularly evident in urban areas and conurbations. There are now numerous different players working to provide a secure safe environment for the local community and visitors. Apart from the police, other examples of the players helping to achieve and maintain a higher level of security are local offices of public order, security companies and neighbourhood initiatives. There are various local models for the interaction between these players, but the design and effectiveness of those models have not yet been systematically analysed. The PluS-i project will investigate how the various players in urban areas work and what requirements have to be met for their interaction to be successful. Upon completion, the project will distribute the recommendations drawn up for security players and policymakers via an information platform, along with materials for providers of crime prevention training.

PluS-i project outline (PDF, only available in German)