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Scientific Programme Board for Security Research

The new Scientific Programme Board for Security Research had its first meeting on 2nd June 2015 in Bonn. It is an independent body of experts that advises the Federal Government on civil security research.

Members of the expert group include individuals from the fields of research, science, administration and business. The consulation focused primarily on the orientation and goals of security research, the implementation of knowledge into pratice, and the interation between German and European activities.

Mitglieder des Wissenschaftlichen Programmausschusses Sicherheitsforschung beim 3. BMBF-Innovationsforum "Zivile Sicherheit" 2016
The members of the Scientific Programme Board for Security Research at the 3rd BMBF-Innovationsforum "Zivile Sicherheit" 2016 © BMBF/VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH - Jörg Carstensen

The members of the Scientific Programme Board for Security Research are:


Science and Research

Prof. Dr Regina Ammicht Quinn (chairwoman)

University of Tübingen

Prof. Dr Britta Bannenberg

Justus Liebig University Gießen

Dr Gesine Hofinger

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Dr Stephan Lechner

Joint Research Centre ISPRA

Prof. Dr-Ing. Peer Rechenbach

Hamburg University of Technology

Prof. Dr Annegret Thieken

University of Potsdam

Prof. Dr Marion Weissenberger-Eibl

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI



Prof. Dr Bernd Appel

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (German acronym: BfR)

Thomas Axer

Deutsche Rückversicherung Aktiengesellschaft

Heiko Brass

Bundeskriminalamt (German acronym: BKA)

Albrecht Broemme

President of the Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk (German acronym: THW)

Wilfried Gräfling

Landesbranddirektor der Berliner Feuerwehr

Dr Karsten Michael  (vice-chairman)

Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (German acronym: BBK)

Dr Johannes Richert

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz e.V.; Bereichsleiter Nationale Hilfsgesellschaft

Dr Lars Schaade

Robert Koch Institute

Dr Susanna Wirth

Bundeskriminalamt (German acronym: BKA)



Dr Kim Augustin

Hamburg Wasser

Peter Löffler

Siemens Switzerland Ltd.

Dr Ingrid Oebbeke

Smith Heimann GmbH

Dr Harald Olschok

BDSW - Bundesverband der Sicherheitswirtschaft

Dr Christoph Walther

PTV Group