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Security Research - Research for Civil Security

Globalisation opens up a variety of opportunities for Germany’s future development. Industry and society alike benefit from international trade flows and virtually unlimited freedom to travel, fast communication systems and well-developed infrastructure. However, as energy, supply and transport networks become more complex, new challenges are arising. We are also faced with threats such as natural disasters, global-scale terrorism and organised crime.

Security Research - Research for Civil Security

The BMBF Security Research Programme - Facts and Figures

The “Research for Civil Security” framework programme was launched in 2007 and is currently in its third phase (2018-2023). Since the start of the programme, the BMBF has funded more than 330 joint projects, comprising more than 1,500 subprojects.

Social aspects of civil security research

Though “security” and “liberty” are not conflicting terms, the balance between the two is delicate. Too little security is a threat to our way of life in a liberal democratic state. Too much security can jeopardise our personal freedom and our right to information privacy. Civil security research as understood by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is always mindful of this delicate balance and will help preserve it.

Scientific Programme Board for Security Research

The new Scientific Programme Board for Security Research had its first meeting on 2nd June 2015 in Bonn. It is an independent body of experts that advises the Federal Government on civil security research.

Agenda process to determine the future agenda of the “Research for civil security” framework programme

Global change, technological progress and far-reaching changes in society will bring new and demanding challenges for civil security research in the next few years. In response, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research conducted what is known as an “agenda process” to set the agenda for a continuation of the “Research for civil security” framework programme beyond 2017. Experts from the research, business and user communities plus interested members of the public were able to actively contribute with their ideas and suggestions for topics.

The “Civil Security” Graduate Network

The BMBF supports networking between young security researchers through the “Civil Security” Graduate Network.