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The BMBF Security Research Programme - Facts and Figures

The “Research for Civil Security” framework programme was launched in 2007 and is currently in its third phase (2018-2023). Since the start of the programme, the BMBF has funded more than 330 joint projects, comprising more than 1,500 subprojects.

The BMBF supplied more than 600 million euros in total for these projects, with industry investing an additional 130 million euros of its own money. Since 2007, the BMBF has published 40 funding guidelines in all.

Security research by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Funding of small and medium-sized enterprises is of great importance for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Therefore in the framework of the call “KMU-innovativ” between 2010 and 2017 about 38 joint research projects with almost 100 subprojects were financed with an overall contribution of 35 million Euro. 37% of all partners in the projects in the “Research for civil security 2012-2017” framework programme are enterprises and 66% of these enterprises are SMEs.

Global collaboration

The security research programme includes bilateral cooperation with France, India, Israel, Austria and the US, for which 37 joint projects have so far been approved.

European security research

Two projects, with funding worth over six million euros, were approved through the “Fit for Europe” programme. In addition, a total of four “Civil security – Fit for Europe (Future Call)” and “Civil security - Fit for Europe (Call Now)” calls for proposals were published, resulting in 14 projects in total.

Information correct as of August 2018