Further Information and Advice
Nobody is omniscient, and we are always happy to connect you with services and partners who might be of further assistance. On this page, you can find links to more information and advice.

The Funding & Tenders portal of the European Commission
Here you can find all calls published by the European Commission. To find the Cluster 3 calls, select the Programme „Horizon Europe“, then as a Programme Part „Cluster 3 Civil Security for Society“.
The CORDIS database of the European Commission
Information on funded projects including their project partners, the project website and the achieved results.
The Horizon dashboard
Statistical information about proposals and funded projects from European Union’s framework programme for research and innovation (R&I) for 2021-2027 and Horizon Europe.
Database of national NCPs
Find your National Contact Point! All EU member states, and many associated countries have NCPs for Security that will be happy to assist you with your proposal. Just select „Security“ from the menu.