Supporting German applicants in European security research.
The Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) wants to strengthen the European Research Area and has set up a national roadmap to contribute to this objective. The “German applicants fit for Europe” scheme is part of this endeavour. It aims to support German actors by strengthening their visibility on the European stage and creating opportunities for international exchange. Furthermore, interested parties from Germany can prepare qualified applications with a higher chance of being funded.

Enabling joint research and growth – these are the objectives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s strategy for the European Research Area. As part of the national roadmap to achieve these goals, German researchers in security research are supported on their way to European collaboration and with capacity building to foster international partnerships. Because only cooperation across Europe strengthens the European Research Area.
For the field of civil security research, three measures shall be implemented from 2021 to 2024:
- A call with the aim of supporting German applicants in the European civil security research programme, specifically institutions that want to build a European consortium and utilize professional support in the proposal writing process.
- A network of practitioners to support knowledge transfer between experienced and less experienced practitioners within the civil security research program. Furthermore, it shall serve as a contact point to reach practitioners interested in research and win them over as project partners.
- The increased visibility of German security research in Europe is strengthened by regularly organised international workshops. The current phase of the scheme sets a stronger focus on strengthening transnational collaboration.
Although the initiatives are primarily aimed at German institutions, they are intended to provide impetus for European networking and cooperation. Further information about all beneficiaries under the scheme will be published here so that you can contact them easily.
Previous initiatives
In earlier phases of the “German applicants fit for Europe” scheme, flagship projects were funded with the objective of pooling expertise. The aim was to strengthen the European focus of civil security research in Germany, raising Germany’s profile as a contributor to dedicated European research domains and promoting transnational cooperation. Furthermore, funding was provided specifically for practitioners and SMEs to broaden their transnational networking activities.