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Helping the German security research community to become more European: Flagship projects

Between 2012 and 2020, “Flagship projects” served as an instrument to pool expertise and to facilitate European cooperation to the benefit of the German security research community. The goal was to form a critical mass, initially at the national level, of different actors that come together to form alliances European security research can build on.

“Fit for Europe” – Flagship projects
© / ChrisBoswell

The flagship projects provided a framework to strengthen existing and create new German-European research alliances. Expanding upon those networks of expertise, the aim was to build consortia and secure European funding in the field of security research. Furthermore, an explicit goal was to facilitate transfer between education and research. Flagship projects thus were set up to help strengthen the ”knowledge triangle” of education, research and innovation, and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between universities, research institutes, companies and practitioners in order to promote research and education in Europe. Currently, no further flagship projects are planned.


Completed projects:

BERKoS: Building European Consortia for Security Research

Funding codes  13N14425 to 13N14431

The BERKoS project set up a platform to help German players form effective, demand-oriented consortia.  The aim, with the aid of various tools, was to give interested parties a better overview of the research and innovation landscape, enable them to identify opportunities for innovation more quickly and help them find suitable partners.

BERKoS project outline (PDF, only available in German)


fit4sec: Centre of excellence for security and technology - Fit for Europe

Funding codes 13N12807 to 13N12810

fit4sec pursued the aim of pooling expertise in the German security sector with the aim to build German-European research alliances with academic partners and practitioners. The project’s stated goal was to significantly improve the awareness and abilities of German enterprises seeking to participate in European security research projects.

More information (only available in German)

KORSE: Network for Civil Security Law in Europe

Funding code 13N12489

The aim of KORSE was to increase the involvement of the German legal research community in European security research. In keeping with this goal, the project expanded upon legal expertise of European significance and built networks between actors in Germany and Europe.

More information  (only available in German)